Ill make this short and sweet. Due to popular demand; and enough insurance to cover; we have added an ATM. I noticed at the last auction (that sadly had to be canceled ), barely anyone used it. So, I want to announce it. Hopefully enough people read this for me to get the word out! Its funny cuz the ATM was sitting there looking all pretty and it took me over an hour to figure out what kinda checks to put on it and how many of what, also had to log it all because it was the insurance money. So I was like almost like this order of smilies, , , , , ,
These smilies are cool.... Thought I would try to get a laugh, it takes me a while to think sometimes but I always get my work done, even if it takes me all night, unless Im falling asleep at the computer. I dont wanna mess up on anyones checks so Ill sleep if Im that tired lol
Ok this was usposed to be short so Ill stop.
Hope you like the ATM, we added it for you guys by popular demand! You guys bought it by insurance so you deserve it!!! :)