Sorry its taken me so long to get this edit up! Ive been busy, so Im sorry!
Here is some text information on some of the items!
Three AoS Roses - Names: Lulu, Little John, Wade Set of Rare Archery Recipes: Faerie Fire, Mischief Maker, The Night Reaper, Silvani's Feywood Bow, Blight Gripped Longbow Four "of exceptional quality" Crafter Tools: a Tool Kit(tinker tools), A Saw, Smiths Hammer and a Motar and Pestle Old Jewelry, 666 Diamond, 5 Pieces: 1 Jeweled Necklace, 1 Silver Necklace, 1 Gold Necklace, 1 Weddingband and 1 Bracelet. 10 Skeleton Containers (Newer Ones): 8 Unknown Mage Bones, 1 Unknown Bards, 1 Unknown Rouges. Four Cursed Artifacts: Axe of the Heavens, Legacy of the Dread Lord, Tunic of Fire, Arcane Shield
Here are the screen shots that should help also!!
A Red Cu Sidhe Was added to the Auction!!! So those of you that are interested in a red Cu Sidhe can have a chance to bid on this puppy!
The Cu will be displayed in the main room during the auction.
Also there will be gates from Luna before and during the auction for those who dont have a rune.