Maleki's Honor Physical Resist 3% Fire Resist 3% Cold Resist 3% Poison Resist 3% Energy Resist 3%
When both pieces are present: Self Repair 3 Denese Chance Increase (Total) Strength Bonus 10 (Total) Swing Speed Increase 35% (Total)
Wondering what monsters you can find these on? Well heres the list at which named baddies you can kill and hopefully loot one of these set items! And yes, you do have to loot them.
The Evocaricus: -- Lady Melisande Yup, thats it. According to thats the only place you can get this sword.
Now, this set is an armor set! Sadly, its a set for elves only. No biggie though! This set comes with 4 pieces and is medable. It comes with the tunic, gloves, leggings and sleeves. All the pieces are call "Hunter's Garb" so I guess that makes it easy to remember which set it belongs to!
Oddly, all the Mods and resists on the pieces are exactly the same. So that makes my job easier also!! Wahoo!
Hunter's: Elves Only Hit Point Regeneration 1 Luck 50 Physical Resist 9% Fire Resist 6% Cold Resist 3% Poison Resist 8% Energy Resist 4%
When full set is present: Physical Resist +5% Fire Resist +4% Cold Resist +3% Poison Resist +4% Energy Resist +4% Self Repair 3 Stealth 40 (total) Dexterity Bonus 10 (total)
Here are the monsters you can hunt to find these pieces:
Tunic: -- Swoop
Leggings: -- Lady Sabrix -- Miasma -- Swoop -- Virulent